Tuesday, August 14, 2018

At-Home Assigment #1

Parent Assignment #1

The Memorable Moment

Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be working on the genre of personal narratives.

Your Task:

With input from your child, over the course of the next few days, construct a list of memorable events. These individual events should be about moments which occurred across a time span of approximately 20 minutes maximum in length. Each event should have an identifiable emotion (or two) attached to it (fear, happiness, surprise).

Examples of events which will not work:
My Day at Disneyland
Christmas Morning
My Birthday Party
The Winning Game

Examples of events which will work:
Meeting Cinderella
Opening My Favorite Gift
Breaking the Pinata
Scoring the Winning Goal

Try to make a list of at least 10 memorable moments. Make a copy of the list for you to keep at home. Send one copy of the list to school with your child by Tuesday August 21st (sooner than that is fine if not better). We will refer to this list as our list of Memorable Moments. Hopefully your child will be able to construct at least 3 narratives from events in the list. They will eventually be choosing from among those narratives one or two which they focus on for elaboration, revising, and editing for publication.

For your child's homework over the next few weeks, choose one event from the list each day and have your child tell the story to you orally. Listen for the following characteristics/items in their speech:

Complete sentences (not run-on sentences or phrases)
A beginning, middle, and closure to the story
Details or examples of dialogue

 Again, if you have any questions regarding this important assignment feel free to post in the comment section. If you would like to post an example for comment I will be glad to review with my thoughts.


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    1. Thank you for your question. Just to let you know comments that include a child's name will be deleted from the posts. The question was asked if these are appropriate topics for the a child's narrative:
      - Swimming in the ocean
      - Climbing a mountain
      - Riding a kayak
      Response: Whereas these are interesting potential topics for a narrative certainly, for a first grade narrative it would be helpful to have these narrowed. For example:
      -My first time swimming in the ocean, or The time I saw a jellyfish while swimming in the ocean
      -The time we saw a mountain goat
      -When Grampa let me steer a kayak

      Try to make the moment as small as possible, the one most memorable moment of a trip, activity, or experience.

  3. Is it ok for my child to print out his memorable moments with the help of his family or, should he write it himself? Thank you for your time.

  4. Thank you for your question. The format is unimportant. It is really the parent's homework assignment. I just need to be able to read it. I will discuss it in more detail at Back-to-School.
